Her injuries are so severe that her mother wants to release her from life support, but her father, who is accused of inflicting the injuries, is battling to keep Jada on life support.
A sad story, and one that brought to mind the case of Aiden Stein, and the legal battle about whether he should be allowed to remain on life support. When the petition to remove life support is heard by Judge Bill Spicer, it will undoubtedly remind him of Aiden Stein: he was also the judge in that case.
Despite dire predictions, he survived. In 2009, a follow up story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported he was alive and responsive to stimuli. There are no good consequences when a child is shaken: cases such as these simply emphasize the importance of prevention.
Whatever happened to Aiden Stein, who was in a coma in Akron after being assaulted by his father?
The Mansfield boy will celebrate his sixth birthday Oct. 27.Aiden was supposed to be deaf, blind and in a permanent vegetative state after his father severely shook and abused him in 2004 when he was 5 months old. Experts thought he would require life support -- including breathing tubes -- for the rest of his life. And they thought he wouldn't live long.
"This is the kid experts said was deaf, blind and would remain in a permanent vegetative state," said Dale Musilli, the child's court-appointed lawyer. "He responds to sound, he responds to light."
Aiden Stein)
"This kid has had some serious medical episodes. He's a tough little guy and has pulled back each time," Musilli said.
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