Sunday, December 07, 2008

Good post by Rick at Dadsworld on the need for patience when raising young children, and the importance of SBBS prevention and the PURPLE program (just as one example, Columbus Hosital's page describes PURPLE and not only provides some useful tips for babies, but about coping with post partum depression - PPD is not only a problem that affects 5 - 15% of mothers, but it increases stress for the entire family).

I offered the following comments:

As the father of an eleven month old boy wo died when he was shaken by his child care provider (a 51 year old grandmother, who was also caring for her two year old grandson that day), I'd like to thank you for this post.
It brings attention to the important role many - not all - hospitals are now playing in teaching new parents about the vulnerability of young children to head injuries, and the need to a coping plan for prepare for the inevitable moments of frustration.
Most importantly, it's an opportunity for parents to help protect their child.
In addition to learning that lesson themselves, new parents have to learn how to effectively educate others.
These days, the majority of children have another caregiver - sometimes a licensed child care provider, sometimes an "in home" provider, sometimes a relative.
A recent study on inflicted injuries in child care settings found that injuries were rare overall, but much more likely "in home" settings - which typically have one person - than in centers.
In any setting, inexperienced caregivers are a significant risk, especially with babies who have colic or "difficult" children.
They need education, and they need to know that it's OK to call you.
But as we learned, it's not just "inexperienced" cargivers.
It's important that you educate all caregivers (and not just about SBS - for babies and infants, SIDS risk reduction is also important).
It's also important to help them understand what "to do" to help calm your child, not just what "not to do."
PS. In most states, even licensed child care providers are not required to be educated about SBS, and at best babysitter classes typically have nothing more than an allusion in the training materials to telling students shaking babies is dangerous.
In addition to
I'd suggest parents visit
Beliefs on colic seems to have many of the same characteristics as religious beliefs, but this is an interesting article on colic and oofers some tips for parents coping with a baby who has colicky crying (especially about the importance of sharing the experience wit others)
Other resources are linked on our site:

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