Thursday, January 08, 2009

Terra Incognita and UNICEF...

Down on the lower right side of this blog, there's an interesting window on the world. You'll see little national flags that generally show whereabouts the visitors to this blog hail from.

There's a lot of unflagged ground out there.

While this blog isn't of general interest, I am quite curious about the kinds of prevention activities that going on in Latin America and Africa.

Not only because the work by Des Runyan suggests that the incidence of shaking is higher in the developing countries of the world, but because many immigrants to the US, Canada and Europe come from those areas.

Not only do they raise their own children, but many raise other children. Education in their country of origin helps insure they have knowledge and coping skills when they are caregivers in their new homes.

The thought occurs that working with child advocates in the developing world to develop educational opportunities for new parents that help them learn ways they can keep their children safe and offer them opportunities to enhance the early development of their children would also be, if handled in a culturally competent way, a useful tool of diplomacy.

Whether educational resources accompany UNICEF and/or USAID funded MCH programs or simply consist of a collection of culturally competent audio and video resources on the Internet that emigrants can link to family and friends at home, it would be a good thing to help folks in Latin America and Africa seeking SBS resources to find them.

So, looking at the FeedJit map, the first question is "is anyone looking?"

If they are, the second question is "how can we reach them?"

Any ideas (in addition to finding a Spanish-speaking writer to co-blog) ?

Not much on SBS in Latin America: this report on Brazil

It's interesting to see that awareness of inflicted injury is growing in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and other regions of Arabia.

And USAID reports Egypt is No. 1 in reducing child deaths.

UNICEF statistics on child abuse deaths in the developed world

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